admin, Author at Peasy - Page 5 of 11
  • Do banks accept rental income from Airbnb?

    The short answer? Possibly, but with difficulty.
    The news? Short-term holiday letting is currently unregulated in NSW. However, just recently, the Government has agreed to a policy that includes an 180-night cap on the number of days a property can be rented in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. It targets investors who buy up apartments to

  • APRA to remove investor lending cap

    Important news announced by APRA (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority) on Thursday, the 26th:
    The limit of investor lending growth to no more than 10 per cent will be discontinued as of 1st of July, 2018.
    Why? APRA believes that the 10 per cent cap imposed in 2014 has reached its purpose of reducing lending growth,

  • Did you know the banks will be now sharing your data?

    Also known as ‘positive credit reporting’, the ‘comprehensive credit reporting’ is Australia’s new system which now includes information about current accounts you hold, what accounts have been opened and closed, the date that you paid any default notices and how well you meet your repayments.
    Banks traditionally only provide negative information for Australian’s credit reports, specifically detailing

  • Make 2018 your year!

    Happy New Year to you All!
    What a year 2017 was, memorable to say the least! Here is a quick recap…
    Sydney, in particular experienced higher than ever price growth, off the chart clearance rates and a wild frenzy of both international and national competition! Most likely fueled by low interest rates, a strong population

  • Don’t just plan to buy…plan to own a property long term!

    Many of us get excited about owning our first home!  However, we often find clients spend a lot of time preparing to buy and in turn forget to plan for their post settlement journey!
    Today we thought it would be great to share a checklist that caters for a lifetime of property ownership;

  • First Home Super Saver Scheme: simplified!

    What exactly is the First Home Super Saver Scheme? On basic terms, it is a Government program which allows you to make voluntary contributions to your super to save up for your first home. You can contribute a total of $30,000 towards your super but only $15,000 in any one financial year.
    What are the requirements?


  • Lending is tough, but not impossible!

    If you haven’t experienced it yourself, you may have seen on the news – the mortgage industry is changing…
    Last year we had APRA establishing a whole new set of rules and requirements for lenders and brokers to follow to ensure lending in Australia is responsible and within each borrowers means.
    Now it is the Royal

  • Did you know?

    The median

    house price in your area


    Find Out More
  • Property Contracts…When and when not to negotiate

    Changing the standard turnaround times related to a property purchase is not always essential, however it helps to know which dates and clauses are important, so that you know when to negotiate. There is also a difference in legislation between states, which is good to be aware of.
    As an example, we compared NSW

  • ‘Rentvesting’ versus Buying a property to live in…how do they compare?

    With housing affordability a topic of concern, we thought it would be a good time to share a concept known to some, but still unfamiliar to most…as ‘RENTVESTING!’
    ‘Rentvesting’ in simple terms is choosing to rent a property in a desired location (often a location unaffordable for you to buy in) and then using your

  • Why has going past your 4th investment property become so difficult?

    With industry changes making it harder for investors to grow their portfolios, is it now more important than ever to have access to a larger panel of lenders and seek professional advice.
    To better explain, let us give you a basic example of what affordability looks like in reality, versus how most lenders will now