Peasy Postcode Profile - 2770 - Peasy

Peasy Postcode Profile – 2770

You might be surprised to know that you can still buy a house in Sydney for under $650K!  Hard to believe when the median house price in Sydney is $1,499,126, right?

Sydney dwelling prices rose by 30.4% in the last 12 months which is the fastest annual growth ever recorded – so, where do we find these bargain gems?

First, you need to be open-minded and realistic and accept that it won’t be near the beach or close to the CBD. 


You can buy a home for under $650K in Blackett.

Where is Blackett?

Blackett is 38km from the CBD and within the City of Blacktown – one of the fastest growing cities in Australia.

Blacktown is no longer considered on the fringe of Sydney and is a critical contributor to Western Sydney’s economy and housing market.  The city plans to be fully urbanized, with future growth achieved through progressive redevelopment of established areas which will contribute to the city’s gentrification.

Underdeveloped areas like Blackett have the potential to experience growth not just because it’s cheap to buy a home, but because it’s affordable, which makes it a viable investment opportunity.

I have prepared a suburb profile on Blackett in the form of a video presentation, which I hope will give you enough information to make an informed decision yourself.

I hope you find it interesting or useful!

Article written by Peasy
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