By visiting and using this website you agree to the following:
Peasy Referrer Terms and Conditions
If you refer potential borrowers to Peasy (us/we), you will be deemed to have agreed to the terms set out below.
You must:
- only engage in credit activities as a referrer incidentally to another business you are carrying on;
- not charge a fee to the consumer for the referral;
- only inform the consumer that we are able to arrange loans and leases but not specify any particular product, and not provide any recommendations or advice concerning loans or leases;
- inform the consumer of any commissions or other benefits you may receive;
- obtain the consent of the consumer to pass their name, contact details and a short description of the purpose for which the consumer may want the credit or lease;
- pass the consumer’s contact details to us within five business days of informing the consumer that we are able to arrange loans and leases but not any specified particular product; and
- not be listed on the ASIC banned or disqualified register.
Any referrals to a Peasy Broker will be regarded as acknowledgement of, and agreement to, the terms and conditions outlined above.
Peasy Pty Ltd and its directors, officers, employees, agents and related entities responsible for maintaining this website believe that the information contained on this website is correct. However, no representation or warranties of any nature whatsoever are given, intended or implied, and you should rely on your own inquiries as to the accuracy of any information or material available from this website.
Please note that information provided on this website is general information only, is subject to change without notice and should not be relied on as a substitute for legal, financial, real estate or other expert advice. Peasy disclaims all liability and responsibility, including for negligence, for any direct or indirect loss or damage suffered by any person arising out of any use of this website or any information or material available from it.
Irrespective of our status as a licensee, representative or credit representative, our reputation is built on matching the appropriate product(s) to the individual’s requirements. We go to great lengths to ensure satisfaction with our services and offerings. However, there may be instances from time to time, where applicants may be dissatisfied with the outcomes of our consultation process. If you have a complaint about the service that we provide, the following steps or avenues for resolution are available to you.
Step 1
Most complaints arise from miscommunication and can usually be fixed quickly. So, please contact your Broker first and express about your concerns.
Step 2
If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved within 5 working days by talking with your broker, we will apply our internal complaints process to manage your complaint appropriately. In this instance, the complaint will be internally escalated to our Complaints Officer. You may also contact the Complaints Officer directly.
Complaints Officer
- Name: Amanda Christmann
- Phone: 1800 373 279
- Email:
- Address: Suite 102/30 Atchison St. St Leonards NSW 2065
Note: In some instances your broker may also be fulfilling the role of the Complaints Officer. This will not affect the capacity to have your complaint dealt with appropriately.
By using our internal complaints process we hope to assist you to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly. The maximum timeframe in which to provide a written response to you is 45 days, although in pursuit of best practice and the reputation of our organisation, we aim to resolve these issues in a much shorter time frame.
Step 3
Although we try hard to resolve a customer’s concern in the most considerate and direct manner, if you are not completely satisfied after the above steps have been attempted, you still have other avenues available to resolve the dispute. This is then managed externally and independently.
This external dispute resolution (EDR) process is available to you, at no cost. Two EDR schemes may be listed below. This indicates that the Credit Representative and their authorising Licensee are both required to be members (independently) of an ASIC approved EDR scheme. Where a Credit Representative’s EDR is displayed, please contact that EDR scheme in the first instance for complaint escalation.
- Name: Credit Ombudsman Service Limited (COSL)
- Phone: 1800 138 422
- Address: PO Box A252 Sydney South NSW 1235
Things you should know:
We don’t make any promises about the value of any property you finance with us or its future prospects. You should always rely on your own enquiries.
We don’t provide legal or financial advice. It is important you understand your legal obligations under the loan, and the financial consequences. If you have any doubts, you should obtain independent legal and financial advice before you enter any loan contract.
Peasy IDR Process
Forward Peasy a completed Incident Report Form (Complaint form) along with any supporting documentation and any relevant file information to the Peasy Complaints Officer
A letter of Acknowledgement will be forwarded to you by the Peasy Complaints Officer.
The matter will be investigated and dependant on the circumstances a resolution provided to you, the consumer/s, by the Peasy Complaints Officer within 45 days.
Any contact made with you, the consumer/s, will be recorded in your complaint file and the Peasy Complaints Officer advised of all communications, including information discussed.
Dependant on the circumstances, the Peasy Complaints Officer will provide one of the following substantive responses to the consumer in 45 days:
- accepted the complaint and, if appropriate, offer redress;
- declined to accept the complaint but still offered redress;
- rejected the complaint;
In the event Peasy may not be able to provide a substantive response within 45 days, the Peasy Complaints Officer will forward the consumer the reasons for the delay and advise the consumer their right to lodge a complaint directly with COSL.
However in most circumstances:
Your resolution response by Peasy’s Complaint Contact Person will be written and forwarded to you, stating the reasons for reaching a decision/s.
If at any stage of the process you wish to clarify any information, please do not hesitate to contact our Complaints contact person on 1800-373-279 or via email to